August 1st:
I'm finally back online...sort of...I'm unable to retain my Netcom or AOL connections...just too far from any major cities with local access numbers.
I'm now <> I'm able to use the aol Instant Messenger so I may still bump into you there. I have a few bugs to get worked out of my the moment I can't send or receive anything...however, I did receive all the email that was sent to my Netcom address prior to today. Hopefully, by tomorrow things will be fixed and you will be able to reach me at my new address.
The good news is: I absolutely love it here in Clayton, NM.
The bad news is: I'm not going to be able to continue putting the hours into working on our website that I used to; if fact, I will hardly be able to work on it at all for quite some time. Band rehearsals start next week......need I say more? ha.
I'm glad to see that you've been making use of the message board to post Who's Comin', etc. Keep up the good work. I still plan to continue this website beyond this reunion to the next and the next, but at the moment I simply have to take a "time out". My apologies to all those who are not yet listed in the address book, etc. but it's now an impossibility to get you listed before the reunion. I will continue to do what I can, when I can, but I can assure you it won't be very much.
You know what they say about people who spend all their time on computers--that they don't have a real life. LOL Well, it seems that I definitely have a real life now. My thanks to all of you for your encouragement and support of this website, and most of all for your friendship. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all in just a very short time.
Thanks for everything, JP
07/17/00: Hey Panthers, I won't
be available for a few days, and I won't be updating the website anytime
I'm loading my U-Haul truck tomorrow
and leaving Wednesday morning for Clayton, NM.
My computer won't be hooked up for a few days, and I have no idea when
I'll get time to do any updating to the website, particularly the JHS Address
Book. About twenty people have recently sent me their address info for
posting. I apologize to you folks, for it may be some time before I get
a chance to work on it. Here's an idea for
you folks in the meantime... Why don't
you post your information yourself on the "MessageBoard" ?
It's not the same as my posting it for you on the Location List and in
the Address Book, but it would put your address out where others can see
it, so that they would be able to contact you.
I'll be back to work on the website as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion.
Take care, JP
06/20/00: Giants of Jal article
published in Southern New Mexico Online Magazine (online)...
Hey Panthers,
An article I wrote a few months
ago has just been published online by Southern New Mexico Online Magazine.
Carla DeMarco, the editor, did a very nice job of interweaving the text
and Brian's photographs to create a very beautiful page.
This same article is to be published soon in the print edition of Western
Horseman magazine. Also, the July edition of Cowboys and
Indians features a small spot based on information from my article,
as will New Mexico Magazine in the near future.
Hopefully, we're beginning to establish a publicity base for the Jal Cowboy Sculpture Project.
The link below will take you to the Southern New Mexico Online site:
Enjoy, and you might wish to email Carla DeMarco to thank her for doing such a nice job on the presentation of the article.
A plain text version suitable for printing is stored on our website at:
Thanks, JP
06/04/00 Quick trip to New Mexico...
I'll be making a short trip to New Mexico between
the dates of June 6 and June 14.
Since I don't have a 'laptop' (neither the machine nor the place to put
it...ha) the website will be 'in limbo' during this time. Please hold your
emails till I return.
Also, and this is most important...the
purpose of my trip is to make some connections and to find a job in New
Mexico. At this point, I'm open to all possibilities, as long as they are
in NM. I've hated Oklahoma for twenty years now; life's too's
time to make a move. I would appreciate your keeping me in mind if you
hear of any opportunities. Here again, I'm open to all possibilities at
this time. Qualifications? Well...I have a degree in music education, I
once taught English on an emergency certificate, I've been in landscaping
for twenty years, I've been a freelance photographer for 15 years (weddings,
senior portraits, commercial, etc.) I would like to eventually get into
something connected with writing, journalism, and computer website design.....but
mainly, I just want to get back to New Mexico. I would appreciate any
may contact my wife, Anita, at (918) 251-3829. En route, you might be able
to get a message to me at:
The Floersheim residence, Roy, NM................(505)
My brother-in-law, Jimmy Hill, Hobbs, NM......(505) 492-1811
Thanks, See you in September.....some of you, perhaps sooner.
Jerry Phillips
05/01/00:Might as well get use to the pop-up ads...
Tripod, our website host, has discontinued their
premium membership no-ad service. I'm sorry, but those annoying pop-up
ads are back on our website, and they're back to stay. I haven't minded
paying to keep the ads off the site, but now that is no longer possible.
I suppose we can learn to live with them...I'll try not to gripe too much,
but I really hate them. --JP
Clicking on the little x in the upper right hand corner of the ad closes
it and gets rid of it, but it will pop up again on the very next page of
our website that you go to.
INSTEAD...when you first see the ad begin to appear, don't click on it,
but click outside it, anywhere else on the website page. This will minimize
it to the toolbar and it will stay there while you visit other pages on
our will stay put and not pop up again. Don't Close...MINIMIZE.
This may not work for AOL members.
10/15/99:Address Book Postings:
I'm finally getting caught up on the
new address book postings and changes.
EVERYONE, please check your listings in the Jal Location List and the JHS
Address Book, to see that everything is correct. I'm sure I've made some
mistakes along the way.
If so, please let me know about them so they can be corrected. I hope everyone
reads this, for I'm not going to contact each of you by email to confirm
your posting--there are just too many. Also, I do not have class years
for many of you. Please check, and if your class year is not posted--send
it to me.
Some only have 'bare bones' address info. This is fine, if that's what you want; but if not, send me more info. In the past, I have contacted these people by email to ask for more information, but I can no longer do that for lack of time. I will post what you send me---please be sure it's everything you want. Most listings include snail mail address (with zipcode) phone number(s), email address, and class year. There are a couple people in the location list with no location--only an email address.
Some of you sent me your info with instructions to sign you up for the Panther Tracks newsletter. I CANNOT SIGN YOU UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER. The system is designed to protect your privacy---only you can sign yourself up. To do so, go to the table of contents...Panther Tracks Newsletter read instructions carefully on the blue page (before signing up).
Though I'm 'almost' caught up with the postings, I'm certainly not caught up with all the emails I need to answer. All I can say is...eventually! Sorry it's taken so long, but you have not been forgotten or ignored........just postponed...ha.
One more reminder...Ladies, in all correspondence with me, please include your maiden name. Unless I know you very well, I simply cannot locate you without it.
Thanks again for your patience, JP
New, Shorter URLs. This website can now be accessed
(the old URL still works, too)
This just makes it much easier to give someone else the website
Note from Jerry: The new chatroom will
be tried out Sunday, Jan. 31st from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Jal Time. This is
just a "tryout". The regular Sunday night
chat will be held as usual, in the ALL-JAL Chatroom, beginning at 7:00
p.m. Jal Time. No changes will be made without the consent of the
regular chatters. Actually, I'm for keeping the Sunday chat in the All-Jal
room, just as it is. I thought, however, that perhaps we might consider
scheduling some smaller groups through the week (a '50s chat...'60s, '70s,
' on). Though anyone and everyone would still be welcome in all
the chats, each would be more or less focused on a specific group or decade
of PANTHERS. If we should decide to do this, these additional chats would
be held in the new room. This is the reason for our testing
it. It's very fast. You can read all the pros and cons about the new room
by clicking
Oct. 27, l998: Just talked with Duke Stephenson, JHS Band Director in
the '60s.
His address, which is also listed in the JHS Address Book, is:
HCR 62, Box 3430, Thoreau, NM 87323
(505) 862-7304
06/30/98 A couple people have reported seeing the old javascript
pop-up ads when trying to view this website. For a long time now, our webpage
has been a Premium Membership (paid for) site, instead of a free
no one should be experiencing the pop-up ads. Is anyone else having this
problem? Please let me know. If so.......see if clicking your 'RELOAD'
button helps.
06/26/98: 8:56 p.m. Central Time.....I
went into the website and
got to see the counter come up as 3000.
How Cool ! Thanks, everybody, for all your support..
..keep coming back. JP
05/08/98: SLOW BUT SURE.........just a note to say that
I WILL answer your email
and post your address information, etc....ASAP....things have begun piling
up lately.
Your patience is appreciated, Jerry Phillips
"Let's Get Connected"
NEW, FREE DOWNLOAD will enable us all to
see each other online, and to send each other "instant messages".
The AOL people have been able to do this for some time; but now,
thanks to "PEOPLE LINK" we can ALL stay in touch as never before.
It's easy and it's free......Click
Here to Continue. ......
Tested this recently in
doesn't seem to work there. Sorry, aol users.
The ' N ' page of the Jal Links contains
a link to a site called 'New Mexico Facts
and City Index'. Our own Jal is listed there, however, with bare bones
at the moment. The site contains online forms so that anyone...yes, you...can
community information to update the site. Any volunteers? Especially you
who still live in Jal---you could go to the library, look up pertinent
information, and
(using the library's computer or your own) greatly expand the information
about Jal on this site. It would be a great service to the community.
If you could help with this, Thanks.
posted 03/15/98
03/14/98: Ten new "New Mexico" pages have been
added to the Jal Links.
They will all be found on the 'L', 'M', and 'N' pages within the Links
03/14/98: The "LINKS" page (quite long and slow-to-load)
has been split
into 26 alphabetized pages. Now you can browse the "LINKS", hopping
one quickly loading page to the next, by clicking on the letters across
the top
of each page. If you have any favorite sites you'd like to
share with us,
please send us the addresses of those sites, so that we may add them
to our "LINKS" section. Thank you.
Check out the newest addition to the Jal Panther
It promises to be a real WINNER!
America Online....just one problem after another.
NOTICE: America Online Jalites: If you are viewing this site
with AOL's browser, certain pages ( "ALL JAL Chatroom, Tributes &
Memorials, and What's New" ) will not appear correctly: the text will
extend over onto the decorative left-border of the background. Sorry, there's
nothing that I can do about it. Try using another browser with AOL or downloading
AOL's upgraded browser at KEYWORD-BROWSER and you will
see the difference.